Great Expectations: Welcome to the New Year


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Photography is a love affair with life.” - Burk Uzzle

    The post-holiday blues are a common enough phenomenon. But some wise people have taken to reflection, finding peace in the "day before the day before" the special day or in the days afterwards. It's important for us to remember the meaning of our holidays. As I wrote in my post on January 2, 2021...

    The second day of the new year always feels strange to me, even a little sad. Yesterday was the joyful holiday that celebrated the promise of new things, the potential for the year to come. We enjoyed staying up until midnight as the calendar changed and spending the first day exulting in the possibilities. But the second of January... that usually means the holidays are over, that most people are taking down their decorations and lights and starting to carry on with the business of real life.

    I would, this year in particular, like to mark this inauspicious day with something a bit different, the ‘Great Expectations’ we should have for 2021. Each day for the rest of the year is there for us to use the very best we can. The promises are already made; now it’s up to us to get on with it. I’m so glad to be sharing this next year with you and I’m excited to see what happens. Health, happiness, and prosperity are my wishes to all of you!

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