The Offing: Anticipation and Appreciation


Photographs open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future.” - Sally Mann

    There's not much that's better than knowing something fun and exciting is about to happen. Remember the last time you had a big vacation planned? Just thinking about all the amazing things you were going to do away from the cares of work and home would fill you with joy. Looking forward to the thing was often as good, or better, than the thing itself.

    I love that aspect of anticipation. And once the great thing occurs, when we've had the great experience we so looked forward to, we feel the appreciation for all the effort it took to make it happen, that the thing exists to be appreciated, for all the people who make the thing extraordinary.

    And no matter how the event actually turned out, because maybe that vacation had a few off days or a few things that didn't quite work out, we can still be happy about the experience overall. Because happiness is our choice, something we decide we want to feel, something based on the way we looked at what happened, how we chose to react. Anticipation and appreciation. And happiness. That's the way to live with joy. Gratefully.

    As Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher emperor of ancient Rome wrote in his personal journal, "Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."

    As I wrote in my post from July 10, 2021...

    Many times, while staring out to sea from the deck of my ship, a younger version of myself, still a United States Navy sailor, imagined the possibilities on the far side of the constantly approaching but always retreating horizon. I’d look to that faint, mystical line where the sea meets the glowing sky, known as ‘The Offing’ in nautical parlance, and dream of coming adventures and the charms of the next port-of-call. And then I would find myself thinking of my wife, my sweet love, who introduced me to this great stretch of sand, boards, and land called Rehoboth Beach. Many thanks to all the kind Sussex County souls who make lower Delaware such a joyful place to rest and an honor to defend.

Clicking on the image will open it in full screen

‘The Offing,’ staring far out to sea from the sandy surf of Rehoboth Beach in lower Delaware, on an overcast morning.


  1. So true; the anticipation of a wonderful time is as much of a joy as the actual event.

    1. I used to enjoy the two weeks of hype before the Super Bowl as much as, and usually more than, the game itself. Now, I get happy when looking forward to sitting for a spell in the evening after the dishes are washed.


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